Successful relaunch of student job market already since the year of 2007 is as the online platform for the settlement of orders for students on the market. Now comes with some changes at the start. Will focus on the realignment changes in the project market and to a job marketplace for students. Activities related to the study to the philosophy of the portal «still remains, but the operators react Nils Freiling now on the demand of the companies, which primarily are looking for interns, student temporary staff and student, as founder. Individual job offers, especially aspiring economists, engineers, programmers, as well as students with foreign language skills and knowledge of media visit
Of course a thematically appropriate activity cannot be to each Department give, therefore, the offer is rounded off with student jobs and part-time jobs. has been active since September 2007. In 2009, the founders received the for the business idea Founder’s Prize by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and technology and the Mainz economic price. Since January 2010 is with the new orientation to the student job board on the market. Already 1000 companies have taken up residence on a company profile and publish job offers, take advantage of the student registration database. Up to August 31, 2010, is free for companies. Press contact: Nils Freiling, Freelancermap GmbH, Gustav Stresemann ring 1 65189 Wiesbaden